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Accreditation Experts ™
Accreditation Experts ™
The Culture of Accreditation
The Culture of Accreditation
Its tough to be a small educational institution these days! There's so much to think about - accreditation standards, enrollments, faculty and staff recruitment, employee training and then there's program and curriculum development, and so much more.
At Accreditation Experts ™, we offer a variety of accreditation solutions that can help your institution overcome today's obstacles. Our knowledgeable team of experts will work with you to create a strong foundation that you can build the future of your institution upon. We can assist you with the accreditation process whether your institution offers online degree programs, certificate training programs, online college certificate programs (CEUʻs) or a combination of these.
We go beyond the approach of traditional accreditation consultants by offering solutions which are tailored specifically to your institution's needs. We value honesty and integrity in all of our business endeavors. We are experts in helping institutions prepare for on-site reviews in preparation for the Distance Education Training Council accreditation. We hope that you'll be happy working with us.
Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.
Better yet, call Nancy now, and let's begin the process of developing a strategic plan to get you through the accreditation process! You will receive a 15 minute courtesy consult!
Contact Us
Via email: accreditationexperts@gmail.com
Phone: 760-554-4395